AG Bill Barr Calls Out George Soros For Causing “Increase in Violent Crime and More Victims” Through Targeting District Attorney Races

As reported by Steven with DHJ

For the past few election cycles, Billionaire George Soros has ben targeting the District Attorney races, supporting the most radical candidates he can find.

In general, they believe too many people are arrested and that prisons are not the solution yo crime.

In Boston, you can break into somebody’s house, steal everything they have and still not get charged every time.

Attorney General Bill Barr is now calling out George Soros because crime invariably rises in districts covered by his DAs.

In San Francisco they have a very bad human feces problem, with deposits all over their streets.

They recently voted in a Soros stooge and one of the first things he did was to quit letting those who defecate and urinate in the public streets are no longer arrested.

Throughout the country in our biggest cities, his DAs are subverting the legal system.

In St Louis, Kim Gardner refuses to allow 28 police officers from testifying in court.

Every one they arrest go free including one man caught with 1,000 opiate pills and $30,000 in cash.

From The Gateway Pundit

Here are some of his DAs:

Attorney Bill Barr is right!
Soros-backed District Attorneys are causing mayhem across the US:

St. Louis–

Unhinged Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Creates “Exclusion List” Banning 28 City Cops From Testifying in Court

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States.

Several of his candidates have already won. His goal is to create havoc in communities.

In St. Louis City far left lunatic Kim Gardner took money from Soros in her race for St. Louis Circuit Attorney. Soros funded PAC …

In Chicago

FIGURES. Soros Spent $408,000 on Campaign for Radical Attorney Kim Foxx — Who Just Let Jussie Smollet Walk on Hate Hoax Charges

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States.

Many of the radical far left candidates he has backed have already won election.

In St. Louis City far left lunatic Kim Gardner took money from Soros in her race for St. Louis Circuit Attorney.

Patriots Beacon