ALERT: Report Reveals The Source Of Fake Trump Dossier Was RUSSIAN AGENT!

With all of the talk a couple of years ago of this absolutely hateful dossier where they accused Trump of everything but living indoors, people had to realize that it was a bad work of fiction.

Think about some of the stuff that was said in this thing and you can instantly see that there was more to it than meets the eye.

Now, thankfully, the truth is finally coming out about who is responsible.

Newly declassified documents in U.S. Attorney John Durham’s criminal investigation into the origins of the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign reveal that the primary subsource for the anti-Trump Steele dossier was deemed a potential “threat to national security” over their ties to Russian intelligence officials.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released a letter from Attorney General William Barr and a declassified document from the FBI that showed that the primary sub-source for the anti-Trump Steele dossier was “a likely Russian agent and had previously been the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation,” according to the Committee.

The Senate Judiciary Committee highlighted the following key takeaways from the declassified documents [emphasis original]:

  • The Crossfire Hurricane team knew in December 2016 that Christopher Steele’s Primary Sub-source was an individual who the FBI had indicated in 2009 “could be a threat to national security.”
  • In May 2009, Steele’s source reportedly attempted to recruit two individuals connected to an influential foreign policy advisor connected to President Obama, offering that if the two individuals “‘did get a job in the government and had access to classified information’ and wanted ‘to make a little extra money,’ [Steele’s source] knew some people to whom they could speak.
  • FBI databases revealed Steele’s source “had contact in 2006 with the Russian Embassy and known Russian intelligence officers, [including contacting a known Russian intelligence officer] ‘so the documents can be placed in tomorrow’s diplomatic pouch.’
  • One individual interviewed by the FBI noted that “the Primary Sub-source persistently asked about the interviewee’s knowledge of a particular military vessel.”

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