BOMBSHELL: John Podesta Violated Federal Law by Not Disclosing 75,000 Shares in Putin-Linked Company

Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, is not only under fire, he could very well have violated federal law after failing to fully disclose his position on the executive board of Joule Unlimited.

As a side note, Joule Unlimited is a firm partly financed by Putin’s Russia.

Wikileaks uncovered an email proving Podesta joined the executive board of Joule Unlimited Technologies and received nearly 100,000 shares of stock options.

The email, titled ‘Podesta Outstanding Docs for Joule, started off with the message:

“Way above my pay grade. Take a look from Mark.”

Now, here’s the proof:

Podesta’s membership on the board of directors of Joule Unlimited was first revealed in research from Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President, Peter Schweizer.

The GAI report, titled, “From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton, the Russian Reset, and Cronyism,” reported that Podesta joined the Joule Unlimited board in June 2011.

“Two months after Podesta joined the board, Vladimir Putin’s Rusnano announced that it would invest up to one billion rubles into Joule Unlimited, which amounts to $35 million. That represents one-fifth of the entire amount of investment dollars Joule collected from 2007 to 2013,” the GAI report concludes.

Sources also say:

Podesta never disclosed his position on Joule Unlimited’s board of directors and failed to include the stock payout in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser in January 2014 — a possible violation for federal law, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group (TheDCNF).

“Well Podesta should certainly have been more upfront in filling this out. Clearly, it should have been fully disclosed,” Craig Holman, a lobbyist Public Citizen told TheDCNF. “That’s the point of the personal financial disclosure forms, especially for anyone entering the White House.”

“If the transfer of stock took place, it had to be disclosed,” added former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova in an interview. “If he didn’t, clearly it’s a violation.”

And what’s more?

Podesta had his Joule shares of stock options transferred to his very own daughter, Megan Rouse.

“Full transfer request, with Megan’s signature attached,” Podesta’s assistant Eryn Sepp wrote to him on December 31, 2013 — just weeks before Podesta joined the Obama administration.

Transfer of Joule Shares by Breitbart News on Scribd

Also, Rouse is listed as “managing member” of Leonidio Holdings LLC:

Podesta’s failure to disclose the aforementioned financial information may have been illegal:

The Schedule B section of the federal government’s form 278 which — requires financial disclosures for government officials — required Podesta to “report any purchase, sale or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent children … of any property, stocks, bonds, commodity futures and other securities when the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000.”

Podesta’s form 278 Schedule B is blank regarding his “receipt of any stock from any company.”

“I think in this case where you’re talking about foreign interests and foreign involvement, the collateral interest with these disclosure forms is put in the forefront of full disclosure of any foreign interest that you may have,” said Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director.

“It’s a troubled question if you deliberately omit this information on the form,” Hosko said, adding that Russian funding could have easily “become a counterintelligence concern for America.”

Last week, Rep. Louie Gohmert finally called for a federal probe into Podesta’s Russian ties.

The Daily Caller reported that a federal lawsuit, cites Podesta’s role in funneling billions in devalued Russian currency into U.S.-based tech companies:

An ongoing federal lawsuit, Neas Ltd, v. Rusnano, which is now before the U.S. District Court for Northern California, suggests Podesta and others at Joule may have unwittingly assisted Rusnano in a scheme hatched to move billions of weak rubles into valuable U.S. dollars by parking them as “investments” in high-tech companies in Boston and in Silicon Valley.

The best part?

Gohmert’s revelations come during a failed attempt to tie Trump and his campaign to collusion with the Russians.


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