A third-grade Texas student was rushed to the hospital by ambulance after alleged bathroom bullies beat him until they knocked him out, then kept beating him after he was down.
According to reports, the incident happened at Lakewood Elementary School in Tomball, when three children allegedly cornered 8-year-old Christian Boynton in the school bathroom. According to the victim’s sister, Kailee Boynton, the attack was unprovoked.
“They pinned my brother down. They were beating him. They beat him to the point of unconsciousness, where they continued to beat him,” Kailee said. “They went through his backpack.”
Neurologists treated him for a brain bleed and monitored him for several hours before he was allowed to return home. He is expected to be okay.
Many people on social media questioned whether the bullies who attacked Christian should be charged with assault. Others want their parents held accountably.
The district said they investigated the incident but were not at liberty to talk about the students’ punishments. The police also investigated the incident but ultimately determined the culprits were too young to face the charges.
Children under 10 cannot be prosecuted for committing crimes under Texas law, according to the news station, but the Department of Family and Protective Services can work with the children involved and their families.
Tiffani Butler, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, said.“Details of a school investigation by CPS are confidential, but, in a situation like this, we would investigate to determine if the children were being supervised properly when the alleged incident happened. Once our investigation is complete, we turn the results over to the school district and the TEA.”
Tomball ISD stated that they were thoroughly investigating the incident and that it will take appropriate disciplinary measures against all those involved.
Kailee stated that she was “deeply saddened” by the district’s response and accused the school of “downplaying the incident” and “taking it lightly.”
She stated that her brother tried to defend himself against the bullies. “He told me ‘maybe they’re just having a rough day,’ He is so nice and kind that he can’t even fathom the fact that someone would want to hurt him or be cruel to him,” she stated.
According to the family, this isn’t the first time Christian has been bullied at the school.
Christian will be returning to school, but his family said they are working with administrators to ensure nothing like this happens again.
Watch the video report:
Sources: OpposingViews, 10 WBNS
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