Now, thanks to Obama, this is happening in the US. An Islamic refugee from Syria has been arrested and charged with inappropriately touching a 13 year-old girl in a public pool in Lowell, Massachusetts. He is being held on $25,000 bond, which I think is way too low. He pleaded not guilty to indecent exposure, assault and battery… because you know she asked for it. And that’s just how things are done in third world Islamic hellholes. His only ties here are his family members and his mosque. The guy is a deviant and should not be here period. He should be kicked out of the country and banned from ever coming back at the very least.


LOWELL — A 22-year-old Syrian refugee is behind bars after only two months in the United States after he was accused Thursday night of inappropriately touching a 13-year-old girl at a state-run swimming pool in Lowell.

In Lowell District Court on Friday, Emad Hasso, of Lowell, was ordered held on $25,000 cash bail after pleading not guilty via an interpreter to one count of indecent assault and battery on someone under 16.

Judge Stacy Fortes set the bail over the defense attorney’s objections, because Hasso’s only ties to this country are his family members with whom he lives.

Prosecutor Sam Miller said that around 5:30 pm on Thursday, the teenage Lowell girl was at the Raymond Lord Memorial Pool at the North Common Park in Lowell, when she said a man approached her, touched her upper thigh and asked her age. She told him she was too young for him and walked away. That could have ended much, much worse and in a less populated area, it probably would have. The man, who was later identified as Hasso, allegedly began to follow the girl around the pool and approached her again when she was swimming, touching her upper thigh and again asking her age. The girl responded that she was a “little kid, leave me alone,” Miller said. A lifeguard intervened and thank goodness he did. This was probably caught on the security cameras there, which will play really well in court. This pervert has only been here two months. Defense attorney William Kittredge said Hasso, who speaks little English, receives assistance from the International Institute of New England, a nonprofit group with an office in Lowell that offers information and resources to refugees and immigrants. Hasso is denying all of this, but I’m sure the lifeguard, other witnesses and those cameras tell a different story. Judge Fortes ordered that Hasso have no contact with anyone under 16, except for family members, stay away from the victim, the Lord pool and all DCR properties. If you don’t lock this guy up and kick his butt out, he’s going to rape someone period. This is Obama’s America after all.


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