This Green Beret Saved A Young Boy From Being Kept As A Sex Slave And Beat His “Owner”…OBAMA IS PI$$ED

U.S. Special Forces Sgt. Charles Martland was serving in the Afghan province of Kunduz when he heard about a local police commander who had kidnapped and repeatedly raped a little 12-year-old boy. In addition to that, Martland also learned that when the boy’s mother threatened to report the police commander, she was beaten up. His response to the matter led to him being sent back to the United States, and facing a dishonorable discharge.

Martlan and Captain Dan Quin invited the child-abuser, identified as Abdul Rahman, to their camp to confront him. Before he arrived, they learned that Rahman kept the small child tied to a post for two weeks.

Barack Obama’s Pentagon issued a gag order on Martland, but at the request of Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Martland wrote a letter detailing the events that followed the child molesting Afghan police commander’s arrival at the U.S. camp. CNN obtained a copy of that letter.

The two Green Berets confronted Rahman about his actions, and their accusations were met with laughter.

That’s when the two American soldiers assaulted the smirking pedophile. From CNN:

After the child rapist laughed it off and referenced that it was only a boy, Captain Quinn picked him up and threw him,” Martland writes. Martland then proceeded to “body slam him multiple times,” kick him in the rib cage, and put his foot on his neck. “I continued to body slam him and throw him for fifty meters until he was outside the camp,” Martland writes. “He was never knocked out, and he ran away from our camp.”

Martland and Quinn have explained that they wanted to make sure that Rahman never abused another child again, but the police chief immediately issued a former complaint against the two who were subsequently told to return to America.

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