Hillary Shocks Her Supporters With HUGE Announcement…WHAT???

Despite the fact that the FBI just reopened their investigation into her use of a personal email server during her time as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton still thinks she has this election in the bag.

This was proven today when it was revealed that Clinton is planning a gala fireworks display over the Hudson River in New York at 9:30 on Election night, more than two hours before West Coast polls close. Western Journalism reported that police and the New York Fire Department have been told to prepare for the fireworks, which the Clinton campaign will be setting off from a barge on the water.

Check this out:

“It’s a little presumptuous of her to plan on winning. I guess she put in for this before Friday,” one NYPD detective said.

“If she loses will she take it over to the East Side and sell it to Trump for half-price?” another added.

Some firefighters were furious that they are being asked to help out Clinton on Election night. A retired New York firefighter said that the “rank and file is outraged they are being forced to do political work.”

“This will make it seem like the firefighters endorsed Hillary,” he added.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.


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1 Comment

  • She just gets Crazier and we all know that she is. I don’t blame any Fire Fighter in not wanting to do this. People open your eyes before it is too late! I would have like to have a Lady President,but too bad there wasn’t a Lady running this time. She should be in Prison for all she has done and so should her husband.

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