Indian Ambassador Got The Shot And DIED THE NEXT DAY!

Popular Tamil actor and health ambassador Vivekh died two days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine dose earlier this month.

Vivekh had been designated health ambassador for Tamil Nadu to help convince people in the region to take coronavirus vaccines and abide by government health guidelines.

His vaccination was at a public event with TV channels carrying photographs of him taking the shot.

According to NDTV, the 59-year-old was reportedly critical in a Chennai hospital after a cardiac arrest. He was brought in unconscious at 11 am, was resuscitated, subsequently underwent a coronary angiogram and then angioplasty.

As the cardiac arrest happened less than 24 hours after the inoculation, there were questions raised whether he died due to the side effects of the vaccine.

The health ambassador died two days later.

An excerpt from LifeSite News:

Vivekh, an Indian actor and health ambassador for the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, died two days after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine dose earlier this month.

The well-known actor and comedian was admitted to a local hospital on April 16 for cardiac arrest after being vaccinated with Covaxin, an Indian coronavirus vaccine, the day prior. The 59-year-old was brought to the hospital unconscious and underwent a coronary angiogram and angioplasty before his death the following morning, GreatGameIndia reported.

The hospital said that Vivekh suffered acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock and 100% blockage of a blood vessel.

The actor had taken his first dose of Covaxin on Thursday at a televised event with the health secretary of Tamil Nadu to encourage vaccination.

Watch it here: Red Pix 24×7/Youtube

Sources: NDTV, GreatGameIndia, TheGatewayPundit, LifeSiteNews

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