Julia Roberts Has Offered A Bounty For The DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA!

I travel a lot and I always like to have plenty of ways to keep myself entertained while on the road.

When I got my most recent phone, I made sure to load it up with all of my favorite movies and TV shows in the event that I found myself without the ability to watch something without having to resort to watching what someone else was watching.

The reason is, that there are so many liberals that are in Hollywood that I like to keep my options to what I know will not cause me to violently wretch from having to listen to these liberal windbags.

If a part of Hollywood likes something, it might not be the best for America. Dr. Fauci still doesn’t know what the virus is going to do even though correct numbers were out maybe two months out. There’s no reason for the CDC to report accurate numbers. Julia Roberts will be giving Fauci an award at The Foundation for AIDS Research on March 4 on YouTube.

From the start. This Foundation is holding a virtual gala called “A Gala For Our Time”. By the way, how’s that AIDS research going? Is AIDS even still around, has this foundation found a cure for that?

Ms. Roberts gushed to Fauci, “There’s no one more deserving. You’ve been tireless and true for all of us and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Ms. Roberts has been in touch with Fauci

She met with him as part of a “PassTheMic” promotion. In this promotion, celebrities give their social media accounts to a health expert.

She was visibly star struck. “Oh, this is such a thrill. This is a thrill for me because there are very few experts of anything in the world and you truly have emerged as a personal hero for me. Just to have this little corner of your time for us is such a joy.”

Fauci has no reason to change

Just keep telling people you don’t know what the virus is going to do. You’ll keep getting awards and money. Fellow Democrats and liberals, Ms. Roberts among them, love you for keeping people in lock down.

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