Just In: Trey Gowdy Officially Cleared to Go After Lynch and Clinton

Trey Goedy shows democrats that justice will be upheld regardless of timeline.

Liberals requested a special investigation into the now obviously fake Russian collusion allegations surrounding President Trump which are being headed by  known liberal lover and former FBI director Robert Mueller. Therefore, in turn, republican Trey Gowdy is now requesting and performing special investigations of his own into the unexplained dismissal of clear federal law breaches at the hands of Hillary’s Clinton to which she was inexplicably exonerated despite obvious guilt.

Hillary committed crimes at a federal level and despite not one, but two federal investigations into her criminal activities, she has managed to come out unscathed. Liberals continue to use political resources to place themselves above the consequences of law breaking while simultaneously weakening the country through absurd diplomatic approaches that will clearly fall upon deaf ears.


Trey Gowdy and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte will be joining forces to investigate the Department of Justice’s handling of the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her use to a private email server. Gowdy has stated that the department’s actions have left America with “a host of outstanding questions that must be answered.”

The “host of outstanding questions” that the men are referring to include (but are not limited to):

1. “FBI’s decision to publicly announce the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified information but not to publicly announce the investigation into campaign associates of then-candidate Donald Trump.”

2. “FBI’s decision to notify Congress by formal letter of the status of the investigation both in October and November of 2016.”

3. “FBI’s decision to appropriate full decision making in respect to charging or not charging Secretary Clinton to the FBI rather than the DOJ.”

4. “FBI’s timeline in respect to charging decisions.”

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