One Brave Priest Just Went SCORCHED EARTH On Joe Biden!

A “bad catechesis and cowardice” and the bishops is to blame for a pro-abortion Catholic occupying the White House. An Arizona priest said.

The pronouncement was made during Rev. Fr William Kosco’s mass in his parish in Arizona. He claimed that President Joe Biden is a catholic and has supported several vices the catholic faith condemns which include abortion, same-sex marriage and others.

Fr. Kosco said that Biden “is diametrically opposed to all of the basic moral principles that are proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church”, therefore, he will not give Biden Communion if he attends his Church. “Joe Biden is welcome to come to Mass here; his ideas are not welcome.”

“We’ve just elected a Catholic president who is diametrically opposed to all of the basic moral principles that are proclaimed by the Roman Catholic church.”

The pastor continued, stating Biden not only contradicts his faith due to his stance on abortion but also in his support of gay marriage and “this gender silliness.”

“How in the world did that happen?”

The priest was visibly upset as he continued to discuss Biden’s betrayal of the church’s teachings.

“He’s a member of my family!” he said. “He’s the most powerful man in the world! And he is opposed to the basic understandings that God is the author of life. How in the world did this happen?”
As the mainstream media coddle Biden, It’s extremely refreshing to see a Catholic priest opposing the current president. But instead, hammer him for not upholding the basic principles by which his faith ought to be governed.

Biden is the nation’s second Catholic president and frequently describes himself as a “devout Catholic.” The Catholic Church teaches that abortion is an “abominable crime” that is “gravely contrary to the moral law.”

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable,” the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, noting that Catholics who procure abortions are automatically excommunicated.

“He’s the most powerful man in the world and he is absolutely opposed to the basic understanding that God is the author of life,” Kosco observed. “How in the world did this happen? You want an answer? I’ll tell you the answer: because our bishops have been silent for 60 years through bad catechesis and cowardice.”

The homily was delivered in February, shortly after Biden repealed the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions overseas.

He would refuse to give Biden communion because he supports abortion. Kosco said.
“Over my dead body,” he said. “He’s a public figure. He needs to publicly repent. We need to pray for his conversion.”

The congregation at St. Henry’s parish applauded at the end of the nearly 30-minute homily.

“Don’t applaud. We need to hang our heads in shame. We’ve tolerated this for too long,” Kosco said in response. He predicted that he would get his “butt kicked” for speaking out, but said, “it’s the right thing to do.”

“Woe to me if I don’t preach the Gospel,” he said.

52 percent of Catholic voters chose Biden and 47 chose former President Donald Trump in the 2020 general election. According to Edison Research exit polls. This represents an increase of 6 percent from 2016 when just 46 percent chose Hillary Clinton and 50 percent chose Trump.

Essentially, that means the percentage rate of Catholic voters ignoring what Kosco calls basic moral principles is on the rise.

Rev. Chris Alar of Massachusetts called the issues Kosco brought up, including the sanctity of life and of marriage as, “non-negotiable.” It shows that Kosco’s sentiments aren’t exclusively his. Alar said these issues are ones which, by the Catechism, the Catholic Church must “pass moral judgments even in matters related to politics” when the “fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls” deems it necessary.

Kosco continued to lambast the president and Catholic bishops, comparing Biden to Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney in his homily.

He asked his congregation, “Can you imagine if in 2012, Mitt Romney, who was running for president, Mitt Romney who was a Mormon … when he was running against Barack Obama if he were a cigar-smoking, whiskey-drinking, coffee-drinking Mormon, can you imagine if he had won the presidency? The Mormon Church would have gone apoplectic!”

Exasperated by the president’s indignancy, he continued, explaining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would have said, “This is not a representation of us.”

Kosco chastised the Catholic bishops who sat idly by as a Catholic president continued to ally himself with abortion providers like Planned Parenthood during the election, saying, “They just let it snow.”

Kosco admitted he’s angry, and he has a complete right to be. While president, Biden has been photographed stripping unborn lives of their only lawful protection during the week and attending Catholic mass on Sundays.

Thankfully, the country has religious leaders like Kosco who will hopefully continue to keep the president accountable for his actions as he continues to debase the morals of the Catholic faith.


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