One of the worst kept secrets of the presidential campaign is that something’s just not right with the health of Hillary Clinton. Despite her campaign’s best efforts to keep things under wraps and adopt a ‘nothing to see here’ approach, there have been far too many instances that point to concerns. Details have been tough to come by, but a new book is shining a pretty big spotlight on some of the bigger health concerns.

As shared by Daily Mail, Bill Klein, author of the upcoming book on the Clinton’s entitled ‘Guilty as Sin,’ has revealed some absolutely stunning tidbits. Among them, President Obama was so concerned about the candidate’s health that he attempted to arrange a clandestine checkup at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, but he was rebuffed by the candidate due to fears that the information would leak to the media.

It’s also reported that she has a secretive arrangement with New York-Presbyterian Hospital when it comes to her care, complete with a private entrance for her to use to slip the notice of the press. Some of the other revelations are just as stunning, as is the insight provided by an unidentified close confidant of the candidate herself.

Source: MailOnline

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