The family of a dying child captured one of the most unbelievable image ever recorded on camera, which according to them was a real miracle.
Whether or not you believe in angels, I think you’ll find Chelsea Banton’s story inspiring.
Chelsea had a tough start in life—she was born prematurely and spent her childhood fighting health problem after health problem.
Chelsea, from Charlotte, NC, was born five weeks premature and had developmental disabilities as well as other health issues that exacerbated the effects of pneumonia.
In 2008, 14-year-old Chelsea was dying due to pneumonia. Things were dire, and as her mother, Colleen Banton, took her off life support, it seemed the child had reached her end.
Doctors then began the process, but in the interim, while waiting for her to pass away, both the hospital staff and Colleen saw something odd on the security camera within the hospital.
Near the door of Chelsea’s room, a white light appeared, with no one able to determine exactly how it was able to appear.
Then an hour later, an image appeared near the door to Chelsea’s room. A hospital staff member discovered it on a security camera and called Colleen over to see it.
“It was an image of an angel,” Colleen said.
Colleen didn’t know if this angel was going to save her daughter or take her somewhere else. Then it happened, Chelsea began to recover. After two months of recovery, she was finally able to come home.
“It’s a miracle. I am learning not to take things for granted,” Colleen says tearfully. “This will be a special birthday, who knows it could be her last, but she has come this far, I am not giving up now.”
That was in 2008, and thankfully, Colleen was wrong. Chelsea’s 15th was not her last. She lived seven more years. Still taken from the world too young, she was able to live seven more years than expected, seven more years she was able to spend with her family who knew to never take a single moment with her for granted.
Watch the security footage here: NBC/Youtube
Sources: OpposingViews, Reshareworthy
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