The Amount They Want To Give Away In Reparations Is Absolutely Insane…

The rumored would-be Presidential candidate who some people allege trying his best to win the black community by aggressively pushing reparations worth more than $559 billion.

The Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsome is indeed making history for pushing the largest reparations effort the country has ever seen. Under Newsome’s plan, descendants of slaves will receive an estimated $223,200 each for “housing discrimination” they faced in the expensive state of California.

Newsom’s California Reparations Task Force drew its ballpark number by examining gaps in housing and speculating the approximate amount of wealth lost between 1933 and 1977. The state panel says that Black Californians lost $5,074 per year under previous housing policies.

Here’s what the Reparations Task Force said in a statement:

“The $559 billion figure is in reference to a scope of work document presented to the California Reparations Task Force by its five member economic consultant team during our September public hearing in Los Angeles.”

Only people who can prove that they fit under these categories will be eligible for the reparations. California has an estimated 2.6 million Black residents, around 2 million of whom are descendants of slaves.

“According to the economic consultant team, the $559 billion figure represents the State of California’s ‘maximum liability’ for de jure homeownership discrimination ‘if all 2,550,459 Black California residents who lived in the state in 2021 were descendants of the enslaved in the United States and had spent the entire time period from 1933 to 1977 in California (or were the legal heir of a person that did).'”

More details of this report from AWM:

One example of housing discrimination in California was the destruction of Russell City. This location was near the coastline of San Francisco. The city was a safe haven for Black people as it provided housing for people who were trying to escape the horrors of the Deep South.

Although Russell City was a safe place for Black people to live, California bulldozed it and made way for an industrial area, forcing thousands of people out of their homes and into the streets without adequate compensation for their land and properties.

Former Russell City resident, Monique Henderson-Ford, was paid just $2,200 for her home, which was less than a third of what she paid for it.

“Imagine if the houses were still here,” she said. “We would all be sitting on a fortune.”

Reparations are a controversial topic for Americans. Although Black people were enslaved for centuries and built the country with their sweat and hard labor, many white Americans do not want to pay the expenses of reparations. However, several states and many cities are working toward their own form of reparations because they want to do right by the people who were influential in making America the great country that it is today.

Watch the video report below for more details:

Source: AWM

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