• July 26, 2024

The New York Times Has Gone Into A Full Panic About Donald Trump….

The New York Times made the most absurd statements about what a second term as president of Donald Trump would entail in an article published on Monday, demonstrating their obvious ongoing case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Numerous surveys indicate that Trump, the front-runner in the 2024 GOP primary, is ahead of President Joe Biden in crucial swing states including Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, which has sparked fear.

The majority of the over 2,400-word article by Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Swan, and Charlie Savage, three of the paper’s best political writers, is a repetition of the leftist criticisms of Trump’s first year in office.

Note that the item is written as a news story rather than an opinion piece.

The New York Times made the most absurd statements about what a second term as president of Donald Trump would entail in an article published on Monday, demonstrating their obvious ongoing case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Numerous surveys indicate that Trump, the front-runner in the 2024 GOP primary, is ahead of President Joe Biden in crucial swing states including Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, which has sparked fear.

The majority of the over 2,400-word article, authored by Maggie Haberman, Jonathan Swan, and Charlie Savage, three of the paper’s best political writers, is a rehash of the leftist criticisms of Trump’s first year in office. Note that the item is written as a news story rather than an opinion piece.

Even while the liberal newspaper acknowledged that the comment was a “throwaway line” from a well-known New York businessman who was 43 at the time, it was nonetheless used as a springboard to claim that Trump has authoritarian ideas.

“Come on, man!” to quote the current president.


When the Times and other media sources said that Trump spoke too well of North Korea’s despot Kim Jong-un, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Russian President Vladimir Putin during his first term in office, this was precisely the kind of information they were spreading.

Nevertheless, Trump denounced “Little Rocket Man,” placed harsh taxes on China, and sanctioned Russia. Remarkably, over his four years in power, the world heard very little from them.

Ronald Reagan’s “Peace through strength” policy was implemented by the 45th president, and it proved effective. No new wars broke out. The Islamic State organization was destroyed, and the harsh sanctions forced the autocratic Iranian regime to its knees.

Both North Korea and Russia refrained from invading Ukraine and from testing long-range missiles.

Under Joe Biden, none of this is true.

Under Biden’s leadership, these autocratic regimes have all consolidated their authority.

It is abundantly evident from the record that Trump used far more force than his successor did in dealing with America’s authoritarian adversaries.

He was not an authoritarian at home, even though he opposed dictatorships overseas.

Perhaps the most extraordinary sentence in the Times’ article is this: “Mr. Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversaries is a naked challenge to democratic values.”

What a blind area that is. What on earth are Haberman, Swan, and Savage making of the last three years of the Biden administration? In addition, the Crossfire Hurricane probe against Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was started by the Obama-Biden DOJ.

Currently, Biden’s DOJ is attempting to imprison the former president for the remainder of his life.

In the annals of contemporary American history, this unprecedented action appears to be the biggest “naked challenge to democratic values.” For a more overt assault on democratic norms, I suppose one would have to go back to the start of the Civil War when the Democratic-led Southern states refused to acknowledge Abraham Lincoln’s victory in the 1860 election.

Although the Biden administration has attempted to compare the Capitol invasion of January 6, 2021, to the Confederacy, the truth is that no “insurrectionist” ever fired a shot on that day or even went inside the building carrying weapons. Not too much of an uprising.

The vast majority there that day did what Trump exhorted them to do: “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Still, the Biden DOJ launched the biggest probe in the history of the department to apprehend and prosecute over a thousand demonstrators—the majority of whom refrained from using force.

It’s time to call this behavior for what it is: persecution and intimidation of political opponents, the hated MAGA Republicans.

Compare that response to what the DOJ did in the wake of the “social justice” protests in the summer of 2020 or the “Disrupt J20” protests on Trump’s Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C., in January 2017.

ABC News reported on Jan. 20, 2017, “Violence flared on some streets of Washington, D.C., today amid Donald Trump’s inauguration — with people smashing car and store windows, clashing with police and even torching a limo, leading to more than 200 arrests.”

“The #DisruptJ20 coalition, named after the date of the inauguration, which promised that its participants would attempt to shut down the inauguration events, tangled with Bikers for Trump, a group clad in leather biker gear that backs the president,” the report said.

In July 2018, NBC News reported that the Justice Department had withdrawn all pending charges against individuals involved in acts of violence at the 2017 inauguration. They were exempt from performing community service.

So despite the violence, there was no massive DOJ round-up then.

Similarly, when rioters burst through the outer security barriers at the White House in May 2020, The Associated Press reported that Secret Service operatives hurried then-President Trump to a bunker beneath 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Although there was eventually no breach because the site was better guarded than the Capitol grounds, numerous Secret Service personnel were hurt, and property was trashed.

At the time, the Secret Service reported in a statement that protesters had injured over sixty policemen with bricks, pyrotechnics, and other objects. Hospital care was required for eleven cops.

According to USA Today, 17 persons were taken into custody by Washington police, the majority of them were accused of rioting.

The Washington Post reported that 106 persons were detained throughout the weekend’s rallies throughout the city, according to D.C. police.

However, the story does not finish there.

The news outlet said that although “many of those arrested were charged by police with felony rioting, that charge was dropped by prosecutors in most cases.”

Those attorneys were U.S. attorneys working for the Trump DOJ.

So, which Justice Department—Trump’s or Biden’s—has shown a greater propensity to go after political opponents? Undoubtedly Biden’s.

The DOJ’s pre-, during-, and post-Trump actions have shown a liberal slant.

Nobody could legitimately criticize him if he chose to clear out the office in that agency.

All in all, the Times report is Democratic propaganda based on the delusions of Trump.

The cornerstones of Trump’s first term were opportunity and freedom, and there’s no reason to think that would change in a second term.



We, as conservatives, are always saying that we want to see change but don’t know how to make that happen.

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Every single time you purchase detergent from Walmart, deodorant from Walgreens, or snacks from Food Lion, you are funding the liberal agenda.

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Companies that are actively working toward our demise should not receive any of our hard-earned money.

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Sound good to anyone else?

I can get you in, but you can’t just go sign up.

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They’ve been doing it for 37 years, and it’s been working great.

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Just chill out when that happens.

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Who else is sick of ingesting arsenic, cadmium, and lead and is ready to do something about it?

– Sassy

Patriots Beacon