Sen. Al Franken is a liberal comedian-turned-politician, and in during his most recent stab at former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, he ended looking like a complete jackass. He was so stunned at what Perry had to say, he was at a loss for words. You have to see this!
VIA| During his Senate confirmation hearing Thursday, President Donald Trump’s nominee for energy secretary gave Franken a “compliment” so unexpected that it stopped the proceedings for a moment, according to Yahoo News.
Franken, a former comedian turned liberal politician, started things off.
“Thank you so much for coming into my office. Did you enjoy meeting me?” Franken deadpanned, referring to an earlier meeting between the two.
Perry didn’t miss a beat: “I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on your couch,” he replied.
A moment of stunned silence ensued as Franken was rendered speechless as Perry’s answer sank in. Slowly, laughter began to swell in the chamber as Perry appeared to reconsider his words.
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