Trump Scores MAJOR ENDORSEMENT That Will Hand Him The Hispanic Vote!

I am an average white guy, but I want to tell you something about the Hispanic community. Every Hispanic person I have met has been the kindest, most generous person I have ever come across.

About four years ago, my wife and I moved into our new home. Lovely older Hispanic couple lives next door to us. About ten days after we moved in, I got the call telling me that my mother had died earlier that morning. For most of the day, I sat outside making phone calls to make sure her arrangements were in order.

About dinner time that night, this couple, who we only met about two weeks before, showed up at our front door with a tray full of food. They felt it wasn’t right that someone should have to cook on a day like this. I still get a little torn up when I think about that gesture of kindness. Those are the people that Joe Biden wants to screw over.

President Donald J. Trump is beginning to inch ahead with minorities, something that is not typical for a Republican in the last 4-5 decades.

However,  Hispanics and Black Americans are really resonating with Trump’s pro-economic and faith-based policies, as well as Trump’s endorsement by law enforcement and pro-second amendment stances.

“Republican Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced endorsed President Trump’s re-election bid on Tuesday, weeks after the White House announced an aid package meant to boost the island’s efforts to rebuild its infrastructure following Hurricane Maria, Fox News reported.

Supporting Puerto Rico, was not welcomed by the Democrats. The Biden campaign, called it “a desperate, political stunt to win over Puerto Rican supporters,” which, sounds to me like a description of Biden singing to them.

The Hill Reported on the endorsement of the Governor of Puerto Rico:

Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez Garced (R) on Tuesday threw her support behind President Trump‘s bid for a second term and called on Puerto Ricans to cast their votes for him on Election Day.

“I ask all Puerto Ricans who are listening to go vote,” the governor said in an interview on Telemundo“They have to go to vote, exercise their right to vote and evaluate who has represented being a person who thinks about Puerto Ricans and their needs at the most difficult moment. It is Donald Trump.” 

Telemundo was one of the first polls after the controversail first Presidential Debate last week, favoring Trump by a wide margin, leaving the left very upset.

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