Mike Rowe, Ah, I love that guy! When anybody mentions something about work ethic, he’s all over it. So, when MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry told people to be careful when they use the term “hard worker” because they could be referring to slaves and not even know it, Mike Rowe made her a laughing stock. Yeah, MHP isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. Watch as she is publically HUMILIATED! Enjoy!
Nailed it!
There truly is no limit to what people liberals find offensive anymore.
I mean, it’s not hard to correct Harris-Perry (I think a high schooler could win a debate with her, no problem) but Rowe does it in a way that everyone can clearly understand.
Everything is racist to liberals because they’re perpetual victims.
I wonder what Dr. Ben Carson would say to MHP if she mentioned this in front of him?
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