3 Days After Benghazi, Huma Abedin Sent Hillary This DISTURBING Email! MUST SEE!

Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin have crossed all boundaries of decent behavior, after Abedin made a ridiculous comment about the “peaceful protests” happening in Egypt after the Beghazi attacks.

During this time, the former Secretary of State, Hillary CLinton kept quiet and let four men lose their lives in the attack.

VIA Young Cons

The protests were not peaceful.

Here’s the email Huma sent to “H”.

“H” is Hillary Clinton.

Abedin wrote, “I’m giving you credit for inspiring the “peaceful” protests.”



Today, Egyptian protesters climbed the walls of the US Embassy in Cairo, pulled down the American flag, ripping it to shreds, then subsequently burning it. The American flag was replaced with an Al Qaeda flag.

On the wall you can see Guy Fawkes masks the symbol of Anonymous and the Occupy movement. Anonymous was involved in some aspects of the Arab Spring. Occupiers were also involved in organizing in Egypt. You can also see “A-C-A-B” which is a common radical/Occupy chant meaning “All cops are bastards” and underneath that is “USA”, seemingly a reference to the United States being regarded as a “policeman” in the region. The bottom right corner of the black flags have “AQ”, presumably for Al Qaeda.

To give Hillary credit for anything is comical.

If Clinton gets elected president, Huma Abedin will gain more power than ever, which means, America will suffer on a much larger scale than it did up until now.


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