• September 14, 2024

ABC Forces “Last Man Standing” To Lessen Anti-Obama Jokes, But Then Tim Allen Does THIS

ABC’s “Last Man Standing” is known for its fantastic Conservative jokes and for its star, Tim Allen. On the show, Allen plays Mike Baxter, a conservative who hates Barack Obama and other liberals.

Usually, Allen fires off joke after joke with no rebuttal. However, ABC has become sensitive to the over-the-top Obama abuse that the show has come to accept. Unfortunately, they have started sticking their heads in the show, to even out the field.

In its most recent episode, Allen launched yet another attack on Obama. “I had a four-year plan with Obama. It’s turned into an eight-year nightmare.”

However, in response, his son-in-law was forced to take Obama’s side, saying, “My nightmare is being buried alive, and yours is eight years of prosperity?” That must have been painful sticking that in the script. Do you think “Last Man Standing” should be able to be as conservative as they wish?

Patriots Beacon