BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE: Hillary Has These Muslim Brotherhood Officials Working For Clinton Foundation

Not only does the Clinton Foundation employ crooks, but they’re very welcoming of Islamic terrorists.

Or, at least, terrorist sympathizers.

Gehad El-Haddad is the son of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader, and is himself the former spokesman for the Brotherhood’s “Freedom and Justice Party” – which isn’t as great as it sounds.

Sounds like he fit right in.

From PJ Media:

Gehad El-Haddad, the now-imprisoned former spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s so-called “Freedom and Justice Party,” was effectively the “Baghdad Bob” of the Arab Spring.

Educated in the UK and the son of a top Muslim Brotherhood leader, Gehad served as the special advisor on foreign policy to deposed Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi.

Gehad incited violence, justified the torture of protesters, recycled fake news stories, and staged fake scenes of confrontation during the 2013 Rabaa protests.

He was arrested in September 2013 after the fall of Morsi and the bloody confrontations during the breakup of the Muslim Brotherhood’s protest camps in Rabaa Square and around Cairo.

During his ascendancy in 2011 and 2012, at which time he served on the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Nahda” (Renaissance) Project to revive the caliphate and reinstitute Islamic law and also served as Morsi’s campaign spokesman, he was being paid by the Clinton Foundation.

Gehad had been employed for five years as the Cairo director of the Clinton Foundation until August 2012, according to his own LinkedIn page:


The problem with a story as nutty as this is that the majority of people will never find out about it.

The media won’t report, because they’re busy tracking down Miley Cyrus who has now begun campaigning for Hillary.

How progressives are unwilling to look past the dark cloud that hangs over the head of the Clintons is something that could come back to haunt us all for the next four years.

Why are some people willing to take that chance?

H/T: Weasel Zippers

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