BREAKING: Look What The FBI Has Found That Will Disqualify Hillary From Office

The FBI has officially found enough evidence that shows that Hillary Clinton’s private server and that she has officially violated federal records keeping laws.

Hillary is officially guilty.

She had an obligation under the Federal Records Act to forward her State Department to the agency’s record system. According to the website Circa, Clinton didn’t choose to use that because she wanted control over the “sensitive” messages.


The probe into Hillary’s illegal activity, according to an unnamed source, ended in July when the FBI and Justice Department refused to press charges.

“There was plenty of evidence from our interviews, especially from technical and compliance staff, as to the intention of creating a private email system outside the State Department’s record keeping. It was well known, and it persisted even after people raised legal and security concerns,” one source told Circa.

According to John Solomon a Washington Times veteran reporter there is tons of evidence that Clinton violated the Federal Records act .


Judicial Watch is now investigating the case and will have a report soon. We can’t let her get away with this. We can’t let her get off the hook after what she did. She has betrayed this country. (h/t Daily Caller)

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  • Yes by law you cannot remove one document, besides Hillary Clinton, was sharing this information with her aides and her and Bills former employees, and asking them questions about said confidential information. By removing the documents and putting them on a secret hidden server in Her basement in Chappaqua, she exposed the information, to easily be leaked , and it hacked into. We all know she is guilty, and Bill and Huma, Cheryl, and does 1-10, are also guilty. Mr James Comey. Lorretta Lynch, and all others involved are in a conspiracy to cover up for her. They all need to be in jail. I Louann J. Leader as a citizen of the United States of America, do here by place Hillary Rodham Clinton And does 1-10 under Citizens arrest for her crimes against America and its Citizens. I would like each and every American citizen that agrees that she has broken our constitutional laws of America, the written laws of America, The written laws of the State of New York Washington State, And broken ger oath of office while Secretary of State for the United States , please do like wise as a citizen of the United States you have the right to have the person perpetrating a crime placed under citizens arrest and the police and it sherriffs marshals office ir some officer has to go arrest her and put her in jail. I had to do this in Victorville, California, because the officers could not arrest the person , but if I placed them under citizens arrest the officers could and had to arrest that person. Thank you please if you agree with the facts she has broken the law too many times, and needs to pay for her crimes against America the its citizens, place her under citizens arrest. Lets see if one officer will follow the laws of our country and arrest her.

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