BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Makes Bombshell Presidential Endorsement

“I support Trump. I’m gonna vote for Trump,” Giuliani told The New York Post Thursday about his voting intentions in the state’s April 19 Republican primary.

According to Giuliani, Trump will win more than 50 percent of the statewide vote on his way to secure a majority of the state’s 95 delegates.

“It’s a question of how much he gets over 50 percent. If he wins 70 to 80 delegates, Donald has a good shot of securing the 1,237 delegates to secure the nomination before the convention,” said Giuliani, New York’s Republican mayor from 1994-2001.

It was reported that Giuliani was to meet with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Thursday, but according to Giuliani, that meeting happened months ago. Cruz’s comments about “New York values” were a big factor for Giuliani.

“It’s New York City. We’re family. I can make fun of New York, but you can’t!” he said. “I know he was attacking liberal Democratic values … I know. I fought to change those policies in areas like welfare reform and policing, as did Mike Bloomberg. … There was a better way to say it.”

Actually Mr. Giuliani… there is only one way to tell the truth. Whether it’s Trump or Cruz, totally your decision, I have no quarrels. BUT…basing a decision so critical to our country (which is also family) on something so lame such as a single statement like this… well, that’s just irresponsible.

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