BREAKING: Trump Announces ‘New Deal’…Pulls In MASSIVE Voting Block Days Before Election!

Trump has a plan to “Make America Great Again,” and that’s why we love him. We’ve never seen such a passion in any politician, and Donald Trump literally deserves every vote he gets, and he’ll get many of these, that’s for sure. There’s nothing to hate about this man, and we really don’t understand Hillary. Is she jealous of what?

Now Trump came up with the best deal ever. He literally ignores every trap Hillary sets up for him, and focuses on his campaign instead. So smart, don’t you think. Check what Trump’s got now.

Via Patriot Journal

In spite of all the vicious and unfounded attacks on Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, “the Don” continues to push forward with his plan to “Make America Great Again.”

This time his focus is on explaining his plan to help the African-American community get off the “Democrat Welfare Plantation” and onto a more hopeful and ambitious path.
Trump spoke at an event in Charlotte, North Carolina on Wednesday and talked about his “New Deal” for Black Americans.
From The Hill:
My “deal is grounded in three promises: safe communities, great education and high-paying jobs,” “Whether you vote for me or not, I will be your greatest champion. We live in a very divided country, and I will be your greatest champion.”
“American politics is caught in a time loop. We keep electing the same people over and over and over,” 
“Every day, I’m out on the trail proposing fresh solutions and new thinking. And every day, the same people, getting rich off our broken system, say we can’t change and we can’t try anything new, because it’s not good for them.”
“I have a message for all the doubters in Washington: America’s future belongs to the dreamers, not the cynics and not the critics,” he said. 
“African-American citizens have sacrificed so much for our nation. They fought and died in every war since the Revolution and from the pews and the picket lines, they’ve lifted up the conscience of our country in the long march for civil rights. Yet too many African-Americans have been left behind.”
Trump has been a staunch supporter of law and order and the police all through his campaign which is strikingly opposite of what the Obama/Clinton narrative has been preaching.
Trump focused on removing “gang members and criminal cartels,” from inner city neighborhoods and laid blame on Clinton for promoting a “war on police.”
If there is anyone who can do it, it’s Donald Trump and with his recent rise in poll numbers, apparently he’s getting through to many black Americans who see their past experience with the Obama/Clinton “welfarism” plan as an abject failure.
Are you voting for someone who’s trying to destroy the country or for a person who does everything to save your home? Vote wisely, people, vote wisely.

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