California NAACP: Remove ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ as the National Anthem

The Star-Spangled Banner has recently been labeled as “racist” and an “anti-black song” by the California chapter of the NAACP.

They are warning that they will be calling on Congress to remove it as the national anthem. The biggest part of the song that people are having an issue with is the third verse of the “Star-Spangled Banner” which reads: “No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.”

“It’s racist; it doesn’t represent our community, it’s anti-black,” Alice Huffman, the organization’s president, told KOVR-TV in Sacramento. “This song is wrong; it shouldn’t have been there, we didn’t have it ’til 1931, so it won’t kill us if it goes away.”

It still remains unclear whether or not Congress will take up the new petition, but the NFL players who have taken a knee during the national anthem to protest the treatment of African-Americans has come under some hot fire from non only the NFL team owners, but conservatives, law enforcement, military veterans and the POTUS.

Reported by breitbart:

The California chapter of the NAACP is trying to persuade state lawmakers to support its campaign to remove “The Star-Spangled Banner” as the U.S. national anthem.

The group claims that the song is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon” and began circulating a resolution to ban the song among state legislative offices after the group’s officials voted to move forward with the campaign at the state conference in October, the Sacramento Bee reports.

The organization added that it is also circulating a second resolution to state lawmakers in support of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick to ensure he can play on a team.

“We owe a lot of it to Kaepernick,” California NAACP President Alice Huffman said. “I think all this controversy about the knee will go away once the song is removed.”

The former 49ers quarterback became famous after he took a knee during the national anthem played at the beginning of football games to protest police brutality.

Huffman said she drafted the resolutions after President Trump slammed the NFL national anthem protesters and said that NFL team owners should fire players or coaches who decide to protest the patriotic song.

“Trump got in the middle of it. He blew it out of proportion,” Huffman said of the president’s comments.

The California NAACP has not yet had any legislative sponsors for its resolutions, but one legislator is already speaking out against the proposal to ban the anthem.

“Our flag and national anthem unite us as Americans,” Assemblyman Travis Allen (R-Huntington Beach), who is running for governor of California, said in a statement. “Protesting our flag and national anthem sows division and disrespects the diverse Americans who have proudly fought and died for our country. Real social change can only happen if we work together as Americans first.”

“The Star-Spangled Banner” has been the U.S. national anthem since 1931 after former President Herbert Hoover signed a congressional resolution making it the official song of the country.

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1 Comment

  • This was said over 100yrs ago by Booker T Washington: It really represents a lot of the black organization who would not exist if not for the Victim (Race) card.
    “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
    “I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. If the patient gets well, an entire industry of victimhood will get cancer and die. This would be the best thing for the black community. Until blacks throw off the shroud of victimhood, they will be at the mercy of “doctors” who treat a cancer that does not exist but that they are paying for.
    Written by a blackman: The “major factor” why black people overall aren’t making the same kinds of progress as are other races in America! But, if you notice we’re “always” the very first to stand in line for federal freebies, even if we have to wait in line virtually “all night long”! We also as a people have the most “out of wedlock” babies at a whopping “75%” …more than all other races in America today….however we’re only “13.3%” of the US population! And, black women have “31% of all abortions in the US today, and black women are only “6%”of the total female population! And, white people are the blame for this ongoing, out of control behavior? Again, where’s the “personal responsibility” in the black community? DUH!
    And, still to this very day we still haven’t yet learned how to stand on our own two feet as a race! Without our usual begging! And, then having the “gall” when we don’t get what we “DEMAND” then that makes everybody as usual a RACIST! And, what’s even far more problematic, and frankly just “plain ignorant” is that we literally go out of our way to attack other black people who are busting their butts, working hard, getting their educations, managing their families, and serving this great nation! And, “WE” Black people have no problem calling those individuals “uncle Toms, Coons, Sellouts, along with a whole hosts of vulgar, immature, and childish names! That clearly shows exactly how very little respect that the majority of black people…again “My People” have for themselves! Unbelievable and pathetic!

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