For the first time since 1871, Texans are permitted to openly carry their firearms. Beginning January 1, Texas joined the majority of the country by allowing open carry, reports The Star-Telegram.
A new video posted online shows sharpshooter Kirsten Joy Weiss get some target practice in with a vintage German pistol from World War II — all while bending her body into a yoga pose.
A would-be South Carolina robber who tried to stick up a barber shop was killed Friday when the lead stylist and his client pulled out their concealed weapons and opened...
Most people in America, specially kids and women have no idea how to defend themselves or use guns. Victor Marx has been traveling around the country and teaching students self-defense and...
We’d like to thank one of our favorite American Girls with a Gun, Cailie Fischer, for the shout out in her latest video. She braves the cold weather to prove that the AR-15 actually does have recoil. ;)
When this rifle first came into the public eye, we were less than enthusiastic. It seemed like a gimmick, and to be honest that’s how it started — they needed...