Do you support these idiots? or your Constitutional right to carry?

The country superstar-couple, Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, have recently spoke to Billboard for their latest publication.

Despite the piece being centered around their ongoing music tour, the topic quickly turned to the mass shooting that took place in Las Vegas, leaving 58 country music fans dead at the October’s Route 91 Harvest Festival.

Unlike many other country music stars, Tim McGraw and Faith Hill say they are in support of gun restrictions in the United States, and they are gathering their thoughts together in support of gun control.

According to breitbart:

In an interview for Billboard magazine, country singer Faith Hill spoke out in favor of gun control and said it is time for the NRA to “tell the truth” about guns.

Speaking about last month’s Las Vegas mass shooting, in which guns were used illegally to kill innocent concert-goers, Hill referenced the doctors who treated those wounded in the attack, saying: “The doctors that [treated] the wounded, they saw wounds like you’d see in war. That’s not right. Military weapons should not be in the hands of civilians. It’s everyone’s responsibility, including the government and the National Rifle Association, to tell the truth.”

“We all want a safe country,” the “Wild One” singer added.

Her husband, Tim McGraw, reasserted his support for “common sense” gun control during the same interview, saying, “Look, I’m a bird hunter — I love to wing-shoot. However, there is some common sense that’s necessary when it comes to gun control.”

McGraw tried to counter Americans who see gun control as an infringement of the Second Amendment. He said, “They want to make it about the Second Amendment every time it’s brought up. It’s not about the Second Amendment.

McGraw was a strong supporter of gun control long before the Las Vegas attack. On April 14, 2015, Breitbart News reported that he was donating all proceeds from a July 17, 2015, concert to the gun control group, Sandy Hook Promise. Just over a week after Breitbart’s report, McGraw defended his gun control support by stressing that he was leading with his heart.

In 2008 McGraw talked of being a “blue-dog Democrat” and told People Magazine that he supported Barack Obama for President. He said, “My wife and I and our family will do everything we can to support Obama. I like his ideas.”

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  • This is not an issue concerning the 2nd. amendment and about you and your family wanting to do away with the Constitution of the U.S., right Timmy and wife? When this article proclams your love for Obama; that’s all i need to know about you and yours Mr.McGraw.

  • NRAs not supporting assault guns or any such weapons. That would be the responsibility of the government to report raccurate info, to the gun shops , and people that have license to sell and, cracking down on that. Illegal sales and such. There is plenty of money the corrupt people are making off sales. Let us not talk about Obama. He is done and did not support our military. I have too many that were serving and some were never the same.

  • Faith Hill-Our fight against gun control is NOT about the NRA. It is about OUR RIGHT to defend ourselves against Tyranny in our Government. By the way, you are way under weight and it makes you look old.

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