Dr. Ben Carson: After I Spoke Out Against Obamacare – I Was Audited by Obama IRS
Dr. Ben Carson told the audience tonight at the CNN GOP debate that after he spoke out against Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast he was audited by the Obama IRS.
Ben Carson Criticized Obama TO HIS FACE At The National Prayer Breakfast In 2013 (MRCTV)
Dr. Carason: I never had an audit until I spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. And then all of the sudden they came in and said, “We just want to look at your real estate dealings.” And then they didn’t find anything. And then they took a look at the whole year. And they didn’t find anything. And then they looked at the next year and they didn’t find anything. And they won’t find anything… The fact is the IRS is not honest and we have to get rid of them.