Kun Shan Chun, who was also known as Joey Chun, worked as an electronics technician for the FBI between 1997 and 2016. But last March he was arrested for acting as an agent for the Chinese government. On Monday, Chun pleaded guilty to those charges in a federal court, and admitted that he had handed over sensitive information to a Chinese official on multiple occasions, between 2011 and 2016.
Chun, who was born in China and became a US citizen before working for the FBI, revealed that he had given the identity and the travel plans of a FBI to the Chinese government. Chun also took photos of secret documents that pertained to surveillance technology.
Chun was initially charged with lying about being in contact with Chinese officials and a Chinese printer manufacturer known as Zhuhai Kolion Technology Company Ltd., which like most Chinese companies, is backed by the government. In exchange for providing research and consulting to the company and providing state secrets to China, he was given free international flights and prostitutes in China.
Chun was released on bail and is expected to be sentenced in December. He will likely face no less than 27 months in prison.
In December he will have disappered. Why is he free to anyway? The FBI probably has more who will sell out for a few bucks. Chinese usually own their loyalty to the Chinese government.
Another false flag as a reason to initiated conflicts.
FBI works for the Khazarians who are the ultimate war engineer/profiteer