It’s been said that individuals who sexually abuse children are viewed among convicted criminals as the lowest of lows within prisons. But what does that mean? For two inmates in a Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, it meant death by one of their fellow inmates. In Corcoran, a California inmate serving a life sentence for murder killed 2 child molesters in the prison by beating them with a cane.
Prison officials said inmate Jonathan Watson attacked two inmates including child molester David Bobb, with a weapon, causing multiple head wounds to both victims. Medical staff responded to the scene and continued life-saving measures while waiting for the ambulance to arrive to transport both injured inmates to receive more comprehensive treatment.
Both were then taken to a local medical center, but Bobb, 48, succumbed to his injuries while on the way to the hospital. He was declared dead at 4:01 pm, prison officials confirmed. The other inmate, who has not been identified, remains in critical condition.
Bobb was reportedly received by the CDCR from San Diego County on October 17, 2005, and had been serving life with the possibility of parole after he was convicted of sexual assault of a child under the age of 14.
Watson, on the other hand, had received the CDCR from Humboldt County on September 4, 2009, to serve life with the possibility of parole for first-degree murder and intentionally discharging a firearm causing great bodily injury or death. SATF’s Investigative Services Unit and the Kings County Coroner’s Office are investigating the attack.
Just a week after 41-year-old Watson was transferred to the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison, Watson had spoken to a counselor within the prison, requesting that he be moved from the dorm-style housing in which he was being held.
Watson told the prison counselor that his request was “urgent” and that if wasn’t moved, he was likely to attack one of the child molesters who had been moved to his dorm-style unit.
The response, according to Watson, was a shrug, and his request was ignored.
Strangely, Watson wasn’t even supposed to be in a dorm-style unit, which is considered to be a Level II security. Previously, Watson had been held in a Level III housing unit, which meant he was in a single-person cell. According to Watson, the move from Level III to Level II housing was a “careless” mistake and he had clearly objected to being moved into the dorm-style housing

The “known child trafficker,” as Watson put it, crossed his path and he decided to attack him, too.
“I figured I’d just do everybody a favor. In for a penny, in for a pound,” Watson said in his letter.
When Watson finally did make it to a guard, the guard didn’t believe the California inmate “until he looked around the corner and saw the mess I’d made.”
“Being a lifer, I’m in a unique position where I sometimes have access to these people and I have so little to lose,” Watson wrote.

Watson later added, “And trust me, we get it, these people are every parents’ worst nightmare. These family’s spend years carefully and articulately planning how to give their children every opportunity that they never had, and one monster comes along and changes that child’s trajectory forever.”
Apparently, Watson has said he’d plead guilty to both killings and threatened authorities that if they place him with any child molesters in the future, he’ll kill them, too. As of the writing of this article, he hasn’t been charged.
Watch the video report below for more details:
Sources: OpposingViews, The Mercury News, Fox26 News
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