A career criminal exploits the flaws in our justice system, and the lenient policies of the Democratic Party, takes the life of a dedicated police officer and then attempts to tarnish her memory with a frivolous lawsuit.
Vernon Green, the suspect in question, not only dragged a police officer to her death but also sought to tarnish her memory with a ludicrous lawsuit. This sad tale serves as a stark reminder of the need for stronger conservative values and policies to prevent such incidents from happening again.
Newport News Police Officer Katie Thyne, aged 24, was responding to a call about alleged drug activity with her partner. Upon their arrival, they removed the passenger from a suspicious vehicle to focus their attention on the driver, identified as Vernon Green. What happened next was an absolute travesty.
As Officer Thyne stood inside the open driver’s door, Green suddenly accelerated, dragging Thyne for about a block before slamming into a tree, pinning her body between the door and the tree. Despite the officer’s valiant efforts, Green managed to escape on foot, only to be captured shortly after. Officer Thyne tragically lost her life due to her injuries, and Green was charged with felony murder, among other charges. However, instead of accepting responsibility, he had the audacity to blame his deceased victim.
In an appalling move, Green filed a $1.1-million lawsuit against Officer Thyne, alleging excessive force. He further claimed that Chief Steve Drew should be held legally responsible for not ensuring that Thyne was adequately trained. The lawsuit also absurdly accuses Thyne of causing her own death, alleging she leaped into the driver’s door and choked Green, causing the accident. Bodycam footage reviewed by both Chief Drew and Thyne’s family members contradicts Green’s accusations.
Tim Thyne, Katie’s brother, poignantly stated, “He made the decision to do what he did and flee the scene, and the result of his action killed my sister. He made that decision, and it’s a very clear outcome of the decision he made. He should be held accountable for that.”
What’s even more disconcerting is that Green should not have been free to commit this heinous act in the first place. Previously involved in a 2004 bank robbery in North Carolina, Green was arrested and charged by the FBI. Astonishingly, he was released on a $250,000 bond, and the case languished in state court for over a decade until attorneys agreed on a plea deal.
Tragically, just months before Officer Thyne’s untimely death, federal prosecutors considered filing charges against Green but backed out. Had they done so, Green might have been incarcerated, never crossing paths with Officer Thyne. This tragic incident only highlights the growing issue of dangerous criminals being allowed to roam free due to lenient policies and a failure to enforce existing laws.
It is utterly shameful that a man with a criminal record involving drugs, weapons, and a pending armed robbery case was free to take the life of a young, dedicated police officer. Now, that same man is attempting to exploit the system and taxpayers for financial gain in a twisted attempt to escape justice.
Sources: Taphaps, Police Tribune, WTKR, Daily Press
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