He Tried To Flee, But This Porch Pirate Got An Epic Dose Of Karma…

Nobody likes Porch Pirates, folks who go around neighborhoods looking for parcels to purloin before people are able to pick them up themselves, but what we do like is the kind of instant karma seen in the video below.

The karma train came quickly for a porch pirate who tried to grab a package from someone’s doorstep. Trying to make a quick getaway was not in the cards for him! His car got stuck in the snow as he attempted to flee. Then police removed him from his car and hauled him off to jail.

These videos will have anyone who has had a package stolen cheering. Immediate justice was served up without losing whatever was in the box.

This went down in Ontario Canada. The homeowner was wise to film it as many people are enjoying the instant karma and now police have documentation of the crime as well.

The cringe-worthy video shows the moment the homeowner opens his front door in Mississauga, Ontario to catch the man right in the act of stealing a package.

“It’s done. You’re done,” the homeowner shouts after him as he sprints down the driveway into his waiting car, which he had cheekily parked on the property.

Giving a sheepish “So sorry!” he jumps into the driver’s seat, throws the car into reverse, and makes a hasty retreat — or so he wished.

The Toyota Yaris backs over an embankment of snow that had been cleared from the driveway… and there it stays.

The pirate revs and revs the tiny front-wheel drive, but try as he might, the getaway car is going nowhere.

“Cops is coming,” the homeowner shouts after him. “Quick call the police now,” he tells his wife.

But she doesn’t have to be quick at all.

The would-be pirate jumps out of the car and repeatedly attempts to dig the car-free, as the family watches his pathetic attempts to flee the scene drag on.

As he runs to and from the front wheels and the steering wheel, the homeowner even begins to feel sorry for the hapless thief, even jokingly offering him a shovel.

But the wheels just keep fruitlessly spinning, and the engine just keeps fruitlessly revving, the full videos show.

“It’s front wheel drive… you need to get the wheels on the ground,” the man even advises him, now sounding like he genuinely pities him.

In the end, his heist is ultimately unsuccessful. The video shows the police eventually turning up and dragging him out of the car — which never made it off the embankment.

Watch the epic fail video below:

Source: AWM

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