He Tried To Kick A Pro-Life Sign, Then Realized Life Comes At You VERY Fast..

It seems like a one-in-a-million chance, or maybe karma, or perhaps God was just looking down and telling this abortion supporter that his hate shall not pass. Either way, this video is hilarious.

The video of a man who seems to be an opponent of the pro-life movement and who tried to kick down a church school’s pro-life political sign is going viral for showing one of the funniest chance incidents imaginable.

In the video, first posted by Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, Michigan, a man is seen stalking down the sidewalk in front of the Church of the Resurrection School in Lansing when he detours aimed right at the school’s pro-life, anti-Prop 3-yard sign.

The man walks up to the sign and kicks it, likely expecting to knock it down.

After he kicks it, he keeps walking on, self-assured that he took the sign out. But what happens after the character flies up into the air is both hilarious and unique.

In the video, Bishop Boyea wrote, “This is superb. A man takes a hefty kick in the early hours of Monday at the Church of the Resurrection School’s anti-Proposal 3 “Fight Like Heaven” yard sign which sits in front of the Lansing school’s statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Watch what happens next! Ave Maria!”

While the video is inspiring, amazing, and hilarious, the sign the hapless man tried to knock down is speaking to a deadly serious proposal that is on the ballot in Michigan.

The sign, carrying the slogan “Fight Like Heaven,” advocates against Michigan’s pro-abortion Proposal 3, which is on the ballot. Michigan is one of several states looking to push abortion this election year.


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