HEALTH ALERT!! You Will NEVER Get Another Mammogram AGAIN After Reading About This Study

This year, the biggest and longest studies of mammography of all times, which followed 90,000 women for 25 years, showed that the procedure has no effect on breast cancer mortality.

During the study, researchers found that the death rate was identical in all women, the ones who received mammography, and the ones that did not, and even 22% of screen-detected invasive breast cancers were over-diagnosed, leading to unnecessary treatment. Therefore, their conclusion was that “the data suggest that the value of mammography screening should be reassessed.”

The same conclusion, that mammography screening does not affect overall mortality was brought by the researchers in the Cochrane Collaboration review. Therefore, there is a serious concern that this screening does not actually benefit women.

The recommendations by public health agencies are slowly updated as well. The American Cancer Society suggests annual mammograms for average-risk women beginning at the age of 40, and the US Preventive Services Task Force advises annual mammograms after the 50th year.

Due to all this, women are confused whether mammography is harmful or not, so this year, the Swiss Medical Board made a clear-cut recommendation: no more systematic mammography. no more systematic mammography.

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  • This is a dangerous article to put out there. Women should listen to their doctors and do the research. This is one study that is poorly sourced. I see women every day that have early cancers detected, treated and cured, 2 of them are family members that are alive today because of mammography. Don’t rely on some article seen on Facebook to dictate weather or not you have a mammogram. Do your self breast exams and see your physician, especially if you notice anything abnormal.

    • I agree with you. I found a breast mass in my own self exam, had a mammogram and I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with 3 lymph nodes involved back in April of this year. The mammogram along with myself exam saved my life. I’m currently on chemo, and I’m getting a bilateral mastectomy. These types of articles can put worn in danger because the information is limited and generalized. Each woman should be looked at case by case by their physician, and make decisions based on a thorough medical examination.

    • I agree with you. I found a breast mass in my own self exam, had a mammogram and I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with 3 lymph nodes involved back in April of this year. The mammogram along with myself exam saved my life. I’m currently on chemo, and I’m getting a bilateral mastectomy. These types of articles can put women in danger because the information is limited and generalized. Each woman should be looked at case by case by their physician, and make decisions based on a thorough medical examination.

  • This is BULL. Two years ago I had a mammogram that detected a lump that could not be felt. It ended up being stage 1A cancer. I had a lumpectomy followed by 30 radiation treatments & am now cancer free. If the mammogram hadn’t been done, who knows what stage I would have been if it hadn’t been detected early. The decision should also depend on family history. I have an aunt, sister and 2 cousins (1 who is male) who have had breast cancer. I get a mammogram every year & my nieces have been told to start their screenings when they turn 33 (10 years younger than my sisters age when she was diagnosed)

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