If You Have These Drinks In Your Fridge You Might Be In For A HUGE Payday…

A class action lawsuit alleging that Anheuser-Busch did not make it clear that its sparkling ‘Ritas’ RTD did not contain real Tequila has been wound up, with consumers entitled to compensation.

Back in 2020, a class action lawsuit filed claimed that Anheuser-Busch was misleading consumers into believing that its ‘sparkling margarita’ canned cocktails actually contained spirits.

“Nowhere on the packaging did [the plaintiff] see a disclaimer or any other statement indicating that the margarita product does not contain Tequila, or that the product is just a flavored beer,” the original complaint stated, according to multiple reports.

Two years later, the case has been settled and it’s not good news for Anheuser-Busch which has agreed to financially compensate consumers who purchased Rita’s products between 1st January 2018 and 19 July 2022.

Anyone who has consumed these popular drinks can be compensated as outlined in the class-action lawsuit. People who feel they might be entitled to a check from Anheuser-Busch only need to fill in an online form at RitasSettlement.com/ to see if they qualify for a check in the mail.

The title of the webpage proclaims, “If You Purchased Ritas™ Brand Products from January 1, 2018, through July 19, 2022, Then You May Be Entitled to a Payment from a Class Action Settlement.”

The settlement page writes:

“This website provides information about a settlement reached in a class action lawsuit filed against Defendant Anheuser-Busch, LLC (‘Anheuser-Busch’ or ‘Defendant’) regarding Ritas™ Brand Products for alleged violations of false advertising laws for representations that Ritas™ Brand Products contain certain distilled spirits (such as tequila) and/or wine when they do not. The Defendant denies all allegations and has settled this lawsuit to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right.”

“You may be a ‘Settlement Class Member’ if you are a person who purchased for personal consumption, and not for resale, any Ritas™ Brand Product in the U.S., from January 1, 2018, through July 19, 2022. You may be an ‘Injunctive Relief Class Member’ if you purchased for personal consumption, and not for resale, any Ritas™ Brand Product in the U.S., from January 1, 2018, through 60 days following the Effective Date (which is the date the Final Approval Order becomes final and non-appealable [typically 30 days after the entry of judgment unless an appeal is taken]). Injunctive relief means Anheuser-Busch will make certain changes to its marketing and advertising practices with respect to the Ritas™ Brand.”

Under the terms of the Anheuser-Busch settlement, class members can receive a cash payment based on the products they purchased. Payment amounts will vary depending on the product and pack size purchased by the class member:

  • For 8-ounce cans, consumers can receive $0.30 for each purchased four-pack or $0.60 for each purchased 24-pack
  • For 12-ounce bottles or cans, consumers can receive $0.15 for each purchased four-pack, $0.25 for each purchased six-pack, $0.45 for each purchased 12-pack, and $0.85 for each purchased 24-pack
  • For 16-ounce cans, class members will receive $0.20 for each four-pack or $0.30 for each six-pack.
  • For each single 22-ounce bottle, class members can receive $0.10
  • For 25-ounce cans, class members can receive $0.10 for a single can or $0.15 for a two-pack
  • Any additional unlisted package configurations will result in payments of $0.50

Class members with proof of purchase can collect maximum payments of $21.25 per household based on the above specifications. But even without proof of purchase, a claim can be made for up to US$9.75.

Source: AWM

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