Johnny Manziel’s Father Believes Son Is Suicidal, Won’t Live To See His 24th Birthday

In a sad story, the once hero quarterback of Texas A&M and 2012 Heisman Trophy winner, Johnny Manziel has had two tumultuous seasons with the Cleveland Browns.

His troubles are not only on the field but off the field, as police reports have surfaced of verbal and physical assault on his ex-girlfriend.

“I truly believe if they can’t get him help, he won’t live to see his 24th birthday,” Paul Manziel told The Dallas Morning News.

Manziel’s father said the family has made two unsuccessful attempts in the past week to get the player into a rehab clinic.

His family believes him to be suicidal.

Johnny Manziel's Father Believes Son Is Suicidal, Won't Live To See...

H/T: Dallas Morning News

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