Kari Lake Just Made A HUGE Move To Protect Every Last Election…

Kari Lake asked the court to penalize county attorneys and called Maricopa County out on their lying in a fresh reply brief she submitted to the Arizona Supreme Court on Monday.

The media extensively covered the evidence of illegalities produced in Lake’s case.

Recent findings indicate that deliberate wrongdoing was probably the reason for machine malfunctions that affected tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of voters on election day. On the day that Republicans turned out 3:1 to vote for Kari Lake and Republican candidates, machines at 60% of polling places failed due to untested and incorrectly configured printer settings, ballot paper sizes, and machine settings used by Maricopa County.

Large crowds and lengthy waits resulted, mostly from Republican voters. Tens of thousands of voters cast votes at the enigmatic “door #3,” with some of them standing in line for hours, with the intention of having them tallied off-site later. How many voters in Kari Lake just chose not to cast a ballot is unknown.

Kari Lake recently filed a Motion for Transfer in the Arizona Supreme Court, urging the court once again to consider “extraordinary new evidence presented in Lake’s motion for relief from judgment,” which was filed in May 2023.

The new Motion for Transfer is based on “Maricopa’s admissions in its Answering Brief filed on October 25, 2023,” state Lake’s attorneys.

Still, Maricopa County falsely argues, “[a]bsolutely nothing has happened since the prior denial which would change the result of this Petition.”

In the October 25 filing, “Maricopa implicitly or affirmatively admitted it did not conduct its county L&A testing on its 446 vote-center tabulators on October 11, 2022 (the only announced day for statutory L&A testing) or after it replaced the memory cards,” argue Lake’s attorneys.

In a response to Lake’s Motion, Maricopa County, as previously reported, said that tabulators were operating just as intended and distorted the law to support its fictitious Logic and Accuracy testing, which is designed to guarantee that votes are tallied accurately. Maricopa County responded to Lake’s motion on Friday.

In their answer, they said that tabulators were operating perfectly as intended and that they had misinterpreted the law to support their fictitious logic and accuracy testing, which is supposed to guarantee that votes are tallied accurately.

Attorneys for Lake argue that “Maricopa ignores Arizona law requiring the county to conduct its own L&A testing and misleadingly cites Arizona law requiring the Secretary of State (“SoS”) to conduct L&A testing.”

For everyone, there are certifications.

This is in reaction to Maricopa County’s recent revelation that, despite installing and using reprogrammed software following logic and accuracy testing, not all tabulators were tested. Conversely, Maricopa asserts that the “final Election Program” was installed on tabulators without public disclosure or testing to confirm that machines correctly read and tallied votes since it passed the Secretary of State’s logic and accuracy tests!

They do this by citing the statute and the Secretary of State’s criteria for the logic and accuracy tests, which are not relevant to Maricopa County. The Election Procedures Manual stipulates unequivocally that counties are required to examine the logic and accuracy of “all voting equipment prior to each election.”

Maricopa County further claims it “tested all of its tabulators on October 4 through 10, 2022,” then reprogrammed the machines with reformatted memory cards that “passed the Secretary’s logic and accuracy testing, on October 14 through 18.”

However, these dates do not coincide with Maricopa County’s public notice of Logic and Accuracy testing on October 11 or the Arizona Secretary of State’s October 11 certificate of Logic and Accuracy testing. Even if Maricopa County’s claims are true, they did not give the required public notice for political parties and observers for their secret testing.

Lake’s attorneys argue that Maricopa “misleadingly conflates” the law regarding Logic and Accuracy testing with the intention of “misleading the Court.”

“Maricopa’s failure to conduct L&A testing in accordance with A.R.S. § 16-449 and the EPM is also a criminal violation,” The filing states.

Read the County’s public notice dated October 7 and the Secretary of State’s “Logic and Accuracy Equipment Certificate dated October 11:



At this time, Lake’s team is not entitled to submit a rebuttal to Maricopa County’s response brief in this case. As such, it is appended to a motion asking permission to file it from the Arizona Supreme Court.

The filing concludes with a request for sanctions against the County, citing their “repeated and deliberate mischaracterizations of the record and Arizona law.”

Lake’s attorneys have been sanctioned numerous times for challenging the election and now face disbarment.

“This Court should transfer and expeditiously hear this case. In addition, given Maricopa’s repeated and deliberate mischaracterizations of the record and Arizona law, Lake respectfully moves that the Court sanction Maricopa and award Lake her costs associated with this brief.”

Read the full brief below:

Kari Lake’s Reply in Support of Petition to Transfer – November 20, 2023 by Jordan Conradson on Scribd


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