WHAT?! Liberal Congresswoman Wears Hillary Campaign Pin While Questioning FBI Director About Hillary Email Scandal

On Monday, FBI Director James Comey was testifying before Congress trying to explain why he gave immunity to some of the key players in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

It is pretty clear to everyone by now that he completely blew the investigation by basically making up his own interpretation of the law.

An interesting moment happened during his testimony though and it’s getting a lot of attention today.

Check out what one liberal congresswoman was wearing while pretending to be questioning Comey from a nonpartisan perspective.


I’m sorry, what?

FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee Monday regarding why some key witnesses in the Hillary Clinton email scandal were given some form of immunity. There was the usual partisan grilling from Republican lawmakers while Comey defended the agency’s investigation process.

That, however, is not the fun part of this story.

During the committee’s questioning, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) was caught on camera wearing a pin with the ‘H’ logo symbolizing Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


I’m sure she was dead set on getting to the bottom of a scandal involving a woman she was currently wearing a campaign pin for.

This is exactly what people are sick and tired of in Washington.


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