LOUDMOUTH Rapper Kanye West Asks for Prayers – Says He’s $53 MILLION in Debt

Kanye West asked for prayers this weekend.
He tweeted out that he’s $53 million in debt.

kanye debt


Kanye made headlines last week too when he called singer Taylor Swift a “b*tch” in his new release.
The blowhard rapper later insisted that “b*tch” was a term of endearment.

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  • So this dumb ass racist blew through 100 million dollars (he had 50 million and is now 53 million in debt that’s over a 100 million) and is now asking people to donate to him.
    Anybody that helps this clown is even more stupid then west.
    why don’t you just barrow from that equally no talent porn star wife of yours Kanye? Oh she doesn’t trust you with her money imagine that.

  • Let me get this straight….he just lied about Taylor Swift and said he would have sex with her (just capping off a lifetime of vile transgresses) and he thinks God is going to hear one word said about him…..

    God is not a genie in a bottle…..dude.

    Just another broke black brother living off a white woman!

  • Hey I think that was YOUR responsibility, don’t ask for prayers from someone else for your stupidity regarding money.

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