Marco Rubio Has Just Made BLM A HUGE Offer!

Marco Rubio just made an offer to BLM commies…

The communist regime in Cuba is the root of all this trouble happening in their country, the Cuban people can take it anymore – so they start rising up against the communists.

The world watches the protests breaking out all over the country, and it’s painful to see how people suffer because of these communists.

We all know the Marxist organization “Black Lives Matter, ” loud and proud Marxists.

It’s not something they’ve ever really tried to hide.

Well, to give you some proof of their commie roots, here’s a 2016 tweet from a BLM official account, where they pay homage to Communist Dictator Fidel Castro, after he died, writing: “Rest in Power #FidelCastro.”

Seeing the tweet some people get confused because they don’t realize that BLM is a communist organization…which isn’t surprising, since most liberals are completely clueless.

Here are some of the comments from Twitter:

“Can you take this down? You don’t understand the pain and suffering this man has caused my family.”

“I support BLM. But you are very wrong here” 

“Wtf!!!??? really, really why would you say this???” 

“a white man who lied & enslaved a whole country? I thought you were activists for Black Lives?”

“I support BLM, but I thought it was a sick joke when someone posted that you all had posted this when this dictator died. Really? No. I do not support your thoughts here.”

“Black lives will FOREVER have my support, but your organization has a political agenda OVER a humanitarian one. I will not support you.”

“are you serious? How does this guy have ANYTHING to do with what BLM stands for?”

“Just when I thought this organization was serious and meant something.”

“I’m so confused why would BLM say something like this?” 

“My god, please tell me they got they account hacked” 

It’s clear by the responses that a lot of people never realized BLM is a Marxist group.

But they are…

As a matter of fact, BLM fully supports Cuba’s communist regime and even released a statement about it, and trashed the United States in the process.

In the most absurd twist of irony, BLM claims the people of Cuba have a “right” to pick their own government.

Well, actually they don’t, because they’re under communist rule, BLM…

Well, Marco Rubio, who is a Cuban-American, caught wind of BLM’s statement and he decided to make them an offer they simply couldn’t refuse.

Here’s what he said: “My office stands ready to help the leaders of the Black Lives Matter organization emigrate to #Cuba”

Wasn’t that nice of Marco?

He’s just trying to help these little commies find a nice cozy home where they’ll be happy because clearly, they hate America.

I for one hope the entire BLM organization takes Marco up on his generous offer and leaves this country as soon as possible.

God knows we’d be a heck of a lot better off without them.

Source: WayneDupree

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