Moments After Mueller Announced Arrests, Podesta Did Something CRIMINAL
Tony Podeta has struggled big time in the wake of the Bob Mueller investigation.
Over a dozen lobbying clients have already cut ties with the firm this year and revenues have also declined.
Democratic power lobbyist Tony Podesta is saying goodbye to his position at the firm that currently bears his name after coming under investigation by special counsel Robert Muller.
Makes you wonder why Podesta is saying bye so soon… It’s like he knows he is going to be charged next for having pro-Russian connections or worse.
According to libertywriters:
In a true bipartisan fashion Bob Mueller is going after one of Hillary’s key allies in his widening corruption probe.
This is good news because it seems Bob Mueller is focusing on money laundering and tax evasion from lobbyists and not Russian collusion.
Lobbyists like Paul Manafort. And Tony Podesta.
Two hired guns who work for both sides and never met a foreign payment they didn’t grab immediately.
There are no morals among the highly paid DC lobbyists, just know that.
According to a bombshell report from Politico, Tony who is under enormous pressure from Bob Mueller, just resigned from his job.
Tony Podesta is the brother of Hillary’s campaign chairman John Podesta. They both founded the lobbying powerhouse The Podesta Group.
And got wealthy through their high level connections.
He did work for the same pro-Russian Ukrainian party that Manafort did and it looks like neither high powered DC lobbyist reported the money or disclosed their roles properly.
One of the charges levied against Manafort is improper FARA disclosures – something Podesta already admitted doing.
It looks like Bob Mueller is closing in and with Manafort’s charges Podesta clearly knows he is next if not sooner.
Podesta earned $1.2 million for the work and he registered after the fact, a clear violation.
According to the Politico, Podesta told staff he “doesn’t intend to go quietly, or learn how to play golf” and that he “needs to fight this as an individual, but doesn’t want the firm to fight it.”