• September 8, 2024

NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, is FINISHED

Thanks to Roger Goodell refusing to make standing for the national anthem mandatory, numbers are way down while his salary is way up and fans are furious.

Recenct income statistics show Goodell is the highest paid person in all of the NFL with a whopping $212 million dollar yearly payout. Current contract extensions are underway but after the dramatic loss of viewers thanks to protesting during the national anthem Goodell ‘s financial prospects aren’t looking to good, in fact, unemployment sounds more like it. As commissioner of the NFL, Goodell is responsible for any political nonsense players may present, such as showboating in the touchdown zone, and while that was deemed as unacceptable, this kneeling rubbish has been permitted? How many fans must protest before these ridiculously overpaid members of the NFL figure out that the result of this behavior will directly reflect on either their bank accounts, or as in Collin Kaepernick’s case, their careers?

Via Liberty Writers:

According to Real Clear Life, the NFL has not responded well to the controversy. This includes a delay on a contract extension of Roger Goodell, according to ESPN.

“The anthem issue has overridden everything — and I do mean everything,” a source told ESPN. Total viewership has dropped by 7.5 percent compared to last year.

Many people are pissed that Roger Goodell takes a $212.5m salary as well.

In all reality, there is absolutely no reason someone with such little worth to the actual playing of football, such as the players who could possibly sustain life altering injuries, should be making anywhere near that much money when the American economy is in the toilet. Completely ridiculous.

Patriots Beacon