Eggs that contain a rich orange yolk are said to have more nutritional value, but how exactly does one go about figuring out what the yolk may look like before cracking it open? According to Providr, this woman made it her mission to find out, and she has shared her findings.
The woman was determined to find the ever-elusive dark yellow yolk and began her quest by purchasing three separate carton of eggs, one each from a big chain supermarket, a market that offered eggs from pure grain fed free-range chickens, and from a local farmer. Her shopping spree complete, she would return home to conduct a little experiment.
Further investigation led her to discover that the diet of the hen that produced the eggs plays a huge factor in the finished product. By extension, the healthier the hen is, the more colorful the yolks of the eggs will be. When in doubt, seek out eggs from a local farmer that feeds hens the all-natural way, as opposed to searching for eggs from hens that are on some fancy diet.
Source: Providr
Photo: CanadaShine
The woman was determined to find the ever-elusive dark yellow yolk and began her quest by purchasing three separate carton of eggs.
By extension, the healthier the hen is, the more colorful the yolks of the eggs will be.
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