• September 15, 2024

‘This Is Only a Nightmare’: Venezuelans Have Sobering Advice for Americans Who Support Democratic Socialism

Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gained a large support from Americans during the 2016 presidential election with his campaign weighing heavily on massive government programs like free college and  health care.

But don’t they know nothing is free?

Ami Horowitz, a documentarian, put together a short film where he contrasted Americans’ view of socialism with Venezuelans’ reality of socialism.

Image Credit: Giphy/Ami Horowitz

One man, rather, laid the blame on capitalist countries, caliming:

“Capitalist countries have always been messing with this ideology and trying to delegitimize it.”

So, in order to prove his point that socialism is, in fact, one of the worst government systems in existence, he took a little trip to Caracas, Venezuela to give Americans a glimpse at how “great” socialism is in real life.

Horowitz told Independent Journal Review that he expected a bit of hunger and violence, NOTHING could have prepared him for what he was about to see.

He said:

“The depth of poverty and hunger and extreme violence was shocking to me. I have travelled to dangerous places before, Pakistan, Gaza, Jenin, yet this was something different.”

The documentarian can be seen here walking alongside a gentleman holding a club, looking for a dog, pigeon, or cat to kill for food. The man repeatedly stated:

 “I’m really hungry.”


But this wasn’t just some random homeless man Horowitz searched ahrd to find. Every single person he came across reiterated the immense food shortage among the common people.

One ill looking woman told Horowitz:

“I am starving. Sometimes my body starts shaking because I’m sleepy, or I’m hungry.”

In order to get food, people wait in long lines so they have a chance at getting almost nothing.


A pregnant woman desperately complained to the documentarian as well:

“I was there since yesterday early in the morning, standing in line since 2 a.m. All I was able to get was a can of milk.”

And another woman whose turn to stand in line doesn’t come until Tuesday described what she has to go through to get a scrap of food:

“I have to be there Mondays by 12 a.m. to sleep there overnight. I just wait to see if anything arrives and then see if I’m able to buy something.”

But food shortages aren’t the only horrifying issue that lurks in the streets of the extreme Socialist country. Venezuela has incredibly high crime rates.

While they looked for more people to interview, something terrible happened.


Horowitz described the experience to IJR:

“What you do not see is that we were robbed at gunpoint and our equipment was stolen. Tragically our fixer, the person who arranged safe passage for us in the barrios, was murdered the day after we left. It was a bone chilling experience, one that I am not eager to do over. That is a lot coming from me.”

While the government is showered in wealth, the people suffer.

When Horowitz asked a VENEZUELAN if socialism works..he had a VERY different answer than Americans

 “No, because if it really worked we wouldn’t be in chaos and hunger.”

Image Credit: Giphy/Ami Horowitz

Why? Because he KNOWS.

Another woman invited anyone in America who wants socialism to come for a visit. She told Horowitz:

“They would have to live what we are living so they can see for themselves that nothing is good. So they see this is only a nightmare for us, a terror.”

Based on what Horowitz experienced in Venezuela, the biggest misconception Americans have is that socialism can work. He told IJR:

“Even the light version that we see today across Europe has failed on almost every level — culturally, militarily, economically. Is it really so unfathomable that without the European bailout you could have seen a very similar situation to Venezuela having occurred in Greece?”

According to sources, the filmmaker admitted the left has a “weird fascination” with socialism despite these huge failures, and he thinks it comes from their “obsession with equality.”

Here is the film in its entirety:


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