
Ben Carson Drops Jaws With A Response To The Question If An Islamic Man Should Ever Run The Country

Ben Carson is a genuinely good Christian man. He has strong beliefs, but they are the same beliefs that our founding fathers built this country's constitution around, and they expected it to withhold throughout The United States Of America's entire existence. It is our job, as Americans, to stand up for what is right for OUR country. So, when asked if an Islamic man should be able to run the country, Ben Carson has a breathtaking response.

Schumer Hits Wrong Button On Keyboard, Accidentally Sends SICK Message To Millions

The new Congress has only been sworn in for a little over a week, but new Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer has already made a fool of himself on social media. When he hit a wrong key on his keyboard, he accidentally sent a sick message to millions of his followers... and it said exactly what the Democrats didn't want America to know. OUCH!

Meryl Streep Gets Some Serious Back Lash After Attack President Trump

What ever happened to celebrities sticking to what they do best? Pretending to cry and laugh and say the lines someone told you to say. Politics is clearly not their forte, and I can't stand anyone who takes their opportunity to receive an award as their political speech to talk about sh*t they are clueless about. America responded as any patriot would. BOOM!!!
Patriots Beacon