The State Medically Kidnapped Their Children. What Happened Next Will Make You SICK

Headley family just keeps getting worse. In a horrifying new development, William and Danielle Headley learned Friday that their oldest son, age 11, was raped at the group home where Child Protective Services placed the 4 Headley boys after medically kidnapping them.

According to a police report from the Columbia South Carolina Police Department, the sexual assault may have occurred during late October of last year. A police report was not filed until 4 months later, on Feb. 29, 2016. Even then, the parents were not notified until Friday, March 4.

William and Danielle had noticed that their son Conner’s demeanor has been “off” lately during their limited visitation (just 30 minutes per week for Danielle with the oldest 3 boys, and 1 hour for William. Jack, age 4, only gets 30 minutes per week with his dad, but is forbidden to see his mother.) The Headleys describe Conner as being quiet, not active or playful lately, and he “constantly glances at the social workers” before saying anything to his parents, as if he is looking for permission to speak.

As Health Impact News has reported, Conner experienced sexual abuse last year in which boys at the Epworth Children’s Home in Columbia, South Carolina, forced the autistic child to expose himself to them under threat of being beaten up.

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