They Mocked A Cop And Refused Him Service, Then This Restaurant Got Hit With An Epic Dose Of Karma…

A Virginia police officer was refused service at a restaurant because one of the cooks refused to serve her while she was in uniform.

Authorities said the uniformed Alexandria police officer was standing in line at Noodles & Company when the cook came out from the back and told the cashier, “You better pull me off the line, because I’m not serving that,” according to Fox 5 DC.

The cop turned around to leave the store because he didn’t want to make a scene. That is when the employees began mocking the officer. They had no idea that they were making a grave mistake.

Police Chief Earl Cook was upset and spoke to management at the restaurant. The restaurant said it would conduct an investigation into the incident.

Alexandria Police Chief Earl Cook

After investigating the incident, a Noodles spokeswoman said that the two involved in the incident were terminated by the company:

“Discrimination of any kind is never tolerated at Noodles & Company. After completing a thorough investigation into the allegations brought to us by a police officer who visited our Alexandria, VA location, we have concluded the two team members in question acted inappropriately and we immediately terminated their employment. The views and actions of these individuals are in no way reflective of the Company or team at our Alexandria location.

“We want to thank the entire Alexandria Police Department for their assistance in this investigation. We have spoken with the officer involved and apologized for the inexcusable actions of these individuals.

“Further, we want to extend our apologies to the entire Alexandria Police Department for the comments made by our team member. We have the utmost respect for law enforcement officials and value the relationship we have built with the local Alexandria Police Department over the years.”

The incident Monday night “disappointed” the officer involved as well as Police Chief Earl Cook, Nosal said. “We have a good relationship with the business community in Alexandria,” she said.

Officials with the Alexandria Police Department are pleased with the response from management and stated they do not think the actions of the two employees are representative of the community.

The situation drew the attention of Alexandria Mayor Allison Silberberg, who said in a statement that she “appreciate[s] Noodles & Company’s swift and thorough response to and full-throated apology for this unfortunate situation,” adding that “after extensive dialogue with the company’s regional and national leadership, we are satisfied that this situation was an anomaly and should not reflect on the company nor its other hard-working employees.”

Sources: OpposingViews, Fox 5

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