In a letter, a California inmate serving a life sentence for murder admitted that he used another inmate’s cane to beat to death two child molesters hours after a prison counselor ignored his urgent warning that he might become violent.
41-year-old Jonathan Watson claimed in a letter to the Bay Area News Group that he clubbed both men in the head on Jan. 16 at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in Corcoran, a small town in central California.

According to the East Bay Times, the first attack occurred after Watson became enraged because one of the sex offenders was watching a children’s television show. David Bobb, a 48-year-old prisoner, died on that day. Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, died in a hospital three days later. Both had been sentenced to life in prison for aggravated sexual assault of a child under the age of 14.
Watson said his security classification was changed and he was moved from a single-person cell to a lower-security dormitory pod at the Central Valley facility just days before the attack. Watson called the switch a “careless” error and said he protested it with “quite a paper trail.”
Watson, who is serving a life sentence for a 2009 murder conviction, wrote that a child molester moved into the pod six days after he arrived. Watson suspected the man started taunting other inmates by watching children’s television.
“I could not sleep having not done what every instinct told me I should’ve done right then and there, so I packed all of my things because I knew one way or another the situation would be resolved the following day,” he said.
Watson told a prison counselor two hours before the next day’s attacks that he needed to be transferred back to higher-level security “before I really (expletive) one of these dudes up,” but the counselor “scoffed and dismissed” him, according to the letter.
Watson stated that he had returned to his housing pod, he wrote:
“I was mulling it all over when Molester #1 came along and put his TV right back on PBS Kids. But this time, someone else said something to the effect of ‘Is this guy really going to watch this right in front of us?’ and I recall saying, ‘I got this.’ And I picked up the cane and went to work on him.”
Watson’s letter was in response to a newspaper request for a phone interview, but Watson stated that he is only permitted to communicate in writing.
Watson wrote:
“Being a lifer, I’m in a unique position where I sometimes have access to these people and I have so little to lose. And trust me, we get it, these people are every parents’ worst nightmare.”
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Sources: Taphaps, NBClosangeles, Mercurynews
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