Thugs Try To Ruin American Soldiers Funeral… Watch Marines DESTROY Them [VIDEO]

Under President Barack Obama, we’ve seen a growing sentiment of disrespect toward men and women in uniform, who wake up every day and protect our country.

This animosity expands beyond conflicts with police.

In the video below, a group of Westboro Baptists protesters attempt to ruin the funeral of an American hero who was killed while serving his country in the Middle East.

They clearly did not expect to run into this group of veterans, who were determined to ensure the fallen Marine got the ceremony he deserved.


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1 Comment

  • There R so many very ignorant people that wouldn’t have their freedom if it wasn’t for our military! Thank god for our Marines & bikers for drowning out their garbage! May our Fallen Hero RIP! Condolences to family & friends! God Bless them all!

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