• November 4, 2024

Two Pictures Of Joe Biden Prove That Something Is DEFINITELY Wrong With Him….

This re-sharing of this clip began with wanting to share how what we are seeing today with gas prices is all by design.

Listening to Joe’s own words about fossil fuels proves why gas prices are soaring.

Then as watching the clip, I was taken aback by how he looked in the first few seconds I couldn’t believe my eyes.

So, now I am switching this up a bit and talking about how Joe Biden literally looks like a wax figure in that first clip during a Dem debate.

He’s hardly recognizable to the shaky, wrinkly, confused guy we see today.

What a difference a couple of years makes, right?

In this first clip, pay attention to how TIGHT Joe’s lower face looks and how countered his cheeks are.

Look at the bottom portion of his face, it looks like a 35-year-old man’s skin and bone structure.

From this tight, taut, wrinkle-free face and strong bone structure:

To this:

I mean, seriously, what the heck?

I understand aging, but this is some serious wear and tear in a short time, right?

However, to his appearance, please pay attention to the radical fossil fuel rhetoric and Joe’s plan to tank American energy, a plan he repeatedly broadcasted.

What we’re dealing with now is by design.


Let’s face it, Joe might not look like the same person, but he certainly sounds like the same radical guy — maybe even more radical than he was back then.

Patriots Beacon